
Showing posts from January, 2019

LLL Meeting - Babywearing!

**Temporary location change** Hello Mamas! What do you love about wearing your baby or toddler? What type of carrier have you always wanted to try? Is there a tricky back or side carry you need demonstrated? At the next La Leche League meeting some of the more experienced babywearers in our group will be ready to demonstrate and assist with hands-on practice. Bring your carriers and try ours! We'll have ring slings, pouches, knit & woven wraps, soft structured carriers, and more. Of course we always have space for your breastfeeding questions, concerns, and successes. See you Tuesday, January 22nd at 10:15am Mishawaka Library - Eisen Room 209 Lincolnway East Mishawaka, IN  46544 An important rundown on safe babywearing: Here is an article about the drawbacks of over-using strollers and carseats:

LLL Meeting - Sleep & Other Challenges

Hello Wonderful Mamas! At our next morning meeting we will be discussing that precious commodity for all parents--Sleep. There are as many sleep philosophies and set-ups as there are babies. Come share ideas of what has worked for your family, struggles you face, and an open heart for commiseration. We're also looking forward to hearing your breastfeeding questions, concerns, and successes. 10am Tuesday, January 15th Sunnyside Presbyterian Church 115 S. Frances St. South Bend, IN 46617 Did you know that the foremost expert of mother-baby cosleeping is right here at Notre Dame? co-sleeping-guidelines/ 2008/12/21/cosleeping-and- biological-imperatives-why- human-babies-do-not-and- should-not-sleep-alone/ Information and resources from LLLI about the new book: resources/sweet-sleep/ Here are some ideas for helping baby sleep: 200...

LLL Evening meeting, Weaning and Starting Solids

Join us Tuesday, January 8 at 7 p.m. at the Tutt Branch library to discuss weaning.  How can you tell when your little one is ready to begin foods other than breastmilk?  What foods do you begin with? What are some foods to offer busy toddlers? If you have already gone through this process, bring your expertise! As always we are there to answer any breastfeeding questions you have.  Expectant mothers and babies are welcome.