Old2Gold Time Again!

Last year, the South Bend La Leche League volunteered with Old2Gold, the annual “garage sale” of student goods at Notre Dame. Volunteers from local non-profits sort and organize everything from bikes to shoes to lumber and clothes. In return, a portion of the sales goes to each of the organizations based on the number of hours volunteered. Last year, we earned close to $20 per hour!

If you are interested in supporting breastfeeding support and information in our community, please consider supporting your local La Leche League group by volunteering. Here’s how:

This year Old2Gold takes place June 26.
Volunteer training sessions (mandatory) last one hour and take place the week of May 24-27. Registration begins April 19 at http://old2gold.nd.edu. Once there, please indicate that you are volunteering as part of La Leche League.

Volunteers will be placed on work detail according to the preferences stated in their application. You will be contacted by phone or email (your choice) to confirm your work schedule. Once there, you will be asked to sign in and out. Experience indicates that “choice” volunteer jobs go quick, so if you are interested, yet selective in how your time is spent, sign up early.

Updates and reminders will follow. Thank you for supporting your South Bend La Leche League group!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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