On Friday, June 24th, Afrykayn Moon stood waiting in line for the 11:50am 275 SMART Bus from Meijer in Taylor, Michigan (outside Detroit) north to Pontiac. While she waited for the hour long bus ride, Moon quietly nursed her two week old son in a football hold, supported by her Moby Wrap. With her, she had two car seats for the ride, a stroller, and her three year old daughter.

As the SMART bus pulled up, the others waiting in line before her boarded. She approached the bus, and the driver, Darcell, looked at Moon with a puzzled look. "What IS that?!" she asked. "What is that you're holding that way?! I know that's not a baby..." she said to Moon, leaning over for a better look. "Ah... is that a titty?!" Darcell shrieked.

"Yes," Moon replied. "That is my son. I am feeding my son."

"You're going to have to cover that up!" Darcell ordered Moon, who continued to nurse as she helped her three year old onto the bus, and pulled her items aboard.

"You're going to have to cover THAT up!" Darcell repeated two additional times - the order becoming more forceful.

Moon said that she would not cover or stop nursing her baby and offered to give the driver the laws of Michigan which state (Mich. Comp. Laws § 41.181, § 67.1aa and § 117.4i et seq.):
Public nudity laws do not apply to a woman breastfeeding a child.
Federal law also protects Moon and her nursing newborn when they are on property otherwise funded with any federal dollars (Public Law No: 106-58 (Sec. 647) if she and her child are otherwise permitted to be there.

If you want to get involved there will be a nurse in or contact the bus company in support of breastfeeding mothers and their children.

Oakland County SMART Bus Terminal Nurse-In

Date: Friday July 1, 2011
Time: 9:00am -12:00pm
Location: Oakland County SMART Bus Terminal

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