LLL Evening Mtg, Starting Solids/Family Nutrition, Tuesday, January 13, 7 pm, River Park Branch library

Are you thinking about starting solids? Wondering about how best to care for your own nutritional needs as a nursing mother? Hoping to improve your own diet after all those holiday goodies? Dealing with a picky toddler or preschooler? This month's meeting will be all about introducing first foods and encouraging nutritious eating as our children grow. Come with questions or experiences to share. Join us at River Park Branch Library at 7 pm. Tuesday Evening Jan 13.

As always we will answer any breastfeeding questions or concerns you have including how to return to work and maintain breastfeeding.
Weather policy for the evening group - if the St Joseph County Library system is closed due to inclement weather, we will not meet.  If the library is open, we will have a meeting.

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