No matter what our lives looked like before kids, we all know our perspectives are vastly different after. And whether we go back to work after 6 weeks, 12 weeks, full-time, part-time, not at all, SAHM, WAHM, free-lancer, mompreneur, etc., we all struggle with balance and how to Make It Work

At the next LLL morning meeting we'll share ideas of how we have done this and issues we haven't yet solved. How do you fit breastfeeding and/or pumping into your new lifestyle? (Or how do you adapt your lifestyle to breastfeeding?!) How do you fill those long hours with baby? How do you divvy up household chores? Child care? How do you make sure you get the help you need? When do you take on new duties? How do you structure your days in a way that works for you and your child(ren)? We'll delve into all of this and more. 

And of course, we will have room for your breastfeeding questions, concerns, and successes.

See you on:
Tuesday, April 28 at 10:15am
Harris Branch Library
51446 Elm Road, Granger, IN 46530

***Please note the slight time change! The Harris Branch Library has changed its hours and now opens at 10am, so we will begin at 10:15!***

Here's a lovely blog about all the varied things we do as mothers, it makes me cry with recognition and appreciation to the mama who wrote it for us:

And a couple of helpful websites about working and breastfeeding:

Everyone's favorite Honest Toddler proves that they are truly learning a lot from our housekeeping abilities ;)

For those needing to provide bottles while away from baby, some information on Paced Bottle Feeding:
and on how much milk baby may take:

A fun and empowering look at why we should feel comfortable breastfeeding in public:

A donation will be made to our group when you shop on Amazon if you click here: 
Check out our wishlist to donate a book to our group libraries!

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