LLL Evening Meeting - Feb. 8, 2016, 7 pm,

Join us Tuesday, March 8 at 7 pm, River Park Branch library to discuss how to "Make it Work".  No matter what our lives looked like before kids, we all know our perspectives are vastly different after. And whether we go back to work after 6 weeks, 12 weeks, full-time, part-time, not at all, SAHM, WAHM, free-lancer, mompreneur, etc., we all struggle with how to balance our lives.

We'll share ideas of how we have done this and issues we haven't yet solved. How do you fit breastfeeding and/or pumping into your new lifestyle? (Or how do you adapt your lifestyle to breastfeeding?!)  How do you divvy up household chores? Child care? How do you make sure you get the help you need?

And of course, we will have room for your breastfeeding questions, concerns, and successes.

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