LLL Mtg--The Importance of Breastfeeding

***Location Change! Due to an activity at Harris Branch, next Tuesday'smeeting will be at the BITTERSWEET BRANCH (602 N Bittersweet Rd, Mishawaka, IN 46544)***

At this month's meeting we will be talking about the myriad reasons we choose to breastfeed, why we love it, why we push through the times we don't love it, and the constantly growing list of amazing things breastmilk and breastfeeding do for us physically, emotionally, and in other ways!

What are some of your favorite facts about the power of our milk and the breastfeeding bond? What inspired you to breastfeed your child/ren? What struggles have you worked through?

The cultural conversation has often centered around the "breast is best" adage, but that implies that breastfeedingis a bonus instead of simply the baseline. Since breastfeeding is the biological norm, let's change the conversation and talk about why we are glad to have (and give) the support we need to in order to make nursing possible!

As always, there will be time for any general breastfeeding questions and troubleshooting, as well as time to share our successes and joys!

Please join us this Tuesday, July 25 at 10:15am
Bittersweet Branch Library
602 N Bittersweet Rd,
Mishawaka, IN 46544 

Join Us for a Family Picnic Celebrating
World Breastfeeding Week
Saturday, August 19th 11am to 1pm
Potawatomi Park Pavilion #1
500 S. Greenlawn Ave, South Bend, IN 46615

Please park on Greenlawn Ave

A sciency approach to the problem of whether "breast is best" or "breast is normal:"

15 Cool Facts about breastfeeding:

An in-depth list of some lesser-known fabulous facts:

A lovely article about how breastfeeding even one child is a way to practice environmentalism and social consciousness:

How the benefits of breastfeeding are not restricted to infancy! Why nursing into toddlerhood can be amazing:

A linky resource with all the groups around the world (and their statements) about why breastfeeding is vitally important to the overall health of a population:

A quick list of 7 awesome advantages nursing mommas experience:

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