LLL Evening Mtg. Becoming a Mother

Happy Mother's Day to all of you!  Please join us Tuesday, May 14 at 7 p.m. at the Tutt Branch library, corner of Miami and Ewing, South Bend.  We will discuss becoming  a mother and taking care of ourselves. With little ones taking so much of our energy, how do we recharge our own battery?  Expectant mothers and babies welcome. 

Please also consider submitting to the St. Joseph Breastfeeding Coalition's Beautiful Baby Photo Contest. Any baby 24 months and younger is eligible. Photo entries must be submitted by Friday, June 21, 2019 to: sjcbeautifulbaby@aol.com

Please include baby's first name and age, Mother's name, phone and email.  Photos will be on display at the Lactation Station in the Hoosier Tire Commercial Building during the St. Joseph County 4H Fair, June 28- July 6, 2019.  Votes are $1 each or 6 for $5.  This is a fundraiser to fund the August 17 World Breastfeeding Month Picnic.

Also consider signing up for a shift at the Lactation Station during the fair.  You will get one free entry to the fair. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tTPNlxAXsl7WU38PWBUB30cP83Fbc8QmKicrXzQiizI/edit#heading=h.j3rw2qwx0qe4

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