LLL Evening Meeting: Working and Breastfeeding

Join us Tuesday, August 13 at 7 pm, Tutt Branch Library to discuss Working and Breastfeeding.  Many of us are going back to work after a summer at home.  How do you combine taking care of little ones, working, pumping and breastfeeding?  Bring you questions or your experiences to share. Expectant mothers as well as babies are welcome.

The Picnic in the Park is Saturday, August 17 from 11 to 1 pm. It is to honor those families who are breastfeeding.  Join us for a hotdog lunch at Pavilion 1, Potowatomi Park, South Bend. Park on Greenlawn.  This event also includes a photo fundraiser for our group, it is a great way to get a family photo. Ten dollars for one pose, 3 poses for $25.

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