LLL Meeting: Starting Solids / Family Nutrition

Are you thinking about starting solids? Wondering about how best to care for your own nutritional needs as a nursing mother? Dealing with a picky toddler or preschooler? Tuesday's morning meeting will be all about introducing first foods and encouraging nutritious eating as our children grow. Come with questions or experiences to share. We are thrilled to be able to show a short video on the subject that we made in collaboration with a video production class at Saint Mary's College--you'll see some familiar faces!!

As always, we will have time for any breastfeeding questions, concerns, and successes you'd like to share.

Looking forward to seeing you around 10am on Tuesday, August 20th
Sunnyside Presbyterian Church
115 S. Frances St.
South Bend, IN 46617

Some links about solids:

Why it's best to wait until at least the middle of the first year to begin introducing solids, as seen in the LLL philosophy statement: 
"For the healthy, full-term baby, breast milk is the only food necessary until the baby shows signs of needing solids, about the middle of the first year after birth.": 

A new study on why water should not be given to small babies:  

And another on how longer breastfeeding results in increased fruit and vegetable eating by little ones!  

On Baby-Led Solids (often called Baby-Led Weaning):

On healthy food choices for babies and children:

On food preferences and growing-up babies, toddlers, and young children:

On how mother's diet may affect baby:

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