LL Mtg--Babywearing!
**We will soon only be sending out meeting notices via Google Groups. Please join us at https://groups.google.com/foru m/#!forum/lalecheleagueofsb **
Hello Mamas!
Hello Mamas!
What do you love about wearing your baby or
toddler? What type of carrier have you always wanted to try? Is there a
tricky back or side carry you need demonstrated? At the next La Leche
League meeting some of the more experienced babywearers in our group
will be ready to demonstrate and assist with hands-on practice. Bring
your carriers and try ours! We'll have ring slings, pouches, knit &
woven wraps, soft structured carriers, and more.
Of course we always have space for your breastfeeding questions, concerns, and successes.
Sunnyside Presbyterian Church
115 S. Frances St.
South Bend, IN 46617
An important rundown on safe babywearing: http://www.s choolofbabywearing.com/Images/ TICKS.pdf
Here is an article about the drawbacks of over-using strollers and carseats:
and an article on the health and development differences between babywearing and carseat carrying: http://onyababy.com/ blog/2012/06/benefits-of-babyw earing-vs-carseat-carrying/
5 Reasons to Wear Your Baby:http://evolutionaryp arenting.com/five-reasons-to- wear-your-baby/
Here are some fun photos of babywearing from around the world: http://www.hybridrastam ama.com/2011/04/babywearing- around-the-world.html
Who could resist a gallery of babywearing daddies?
And some perspective on the myriad benefits of babywearing:
And a clear, to the point breakdown of different carriers, including directions for making your own!
La Leche League of South Bend
A donation will be made to our group when you shop on Amazon if you click here:
Check out our wishlist to donate a book to our group libraries!